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What to Expect

at a WELL Retreat

Thoughtfully Planned Itinerary

An itinerary is planned and may vary from retreat to retreat. It is flexible, but it offers guests plenty of things to do and experience during their stay with us.

Park City Schedule.png

Comfortable Lodging

Each venue is carefully selected to provide the comfort and amenities needed to promote wellness.

For affordability, most guests will share a room. If a private room is preferred, that option is also available.


Delicious Food

All food is prepared from scratch by the WELL Retreats staff. We do our best to accommodate some dietary restrictions. The menu is decided by a majority rules survey for each venue. The finalized menu will be sent to each guest one week prior to their retreat.


Relaxing Activities

Yoga, meditation, nature walks, and more are just some of the fun and relaxing activities you have to look forward to at a WELL Retreat. There is a flexible itinerary of activities, but if a nap sounds better, go for it!

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